How do you feel about a virtual learning environment? Do you think virtual learning is the wave of the future or is a traditional learning environment more conducive to a proper education? Today we’ll take a look at virtual learning, how it differs from the previous system of education and the pros and cons. Let’s jump into it!
We’ve seen a shift in the education of our children over the past few years and even more so presently. Technology is playing a larger role and being incorporated into learning techniques. In the past technology wasn’t around so virtual learning was never a real option. Today everything is much different.
When looking at a virtual learning environment, it can be challenging to decide whether it’s better than a typical in person environment. There are many positives involved, such as:


  • Spending more time with family – Having the option to study from home will often provide the opportunity to spend more time with family with less time spent commuting to school.
  • Courses can be easily upgraded – When courses are solely online, it becomes a lot easier to upgrade them with new concepts. That means students are always learning the most relevant information!
  • Balancing work and school is easier – For students who work part time jobs or those who have a full time job and hope to complete their education while working, virtual education is an excellent option. They don’t have to give up work to continue their studies!
  • Easier on the parents – For parents with busy schedules and young children, it may save them time not having to worry about dropping them off at school.
  • Utilizing technology – Students will need to know how to use virtual education, as technology plays a large role in the way we learn.
    Of course, there are two sides to every story and that means there are a few cons that go along with a virtual learning environment.


  • Not enough socialization – It can be challenging for students to form relationships with other students virtually, opposed to in a classroom.
  • Losing motivation – Students must be very responsible to do well with virtual education. Staying on top of the work while remaining motivated isn’t easy when you aren’t in a traditional education system.
  • It doesn’t work for every learning style – We all have different learning styles so it virtually learning might not be for everyone. Some students might learn best from listening to conversations happening in the classroom and being able to interact in person.
  • Technology can be distracting – When learning virtually through a computer or tablet, there can be many distractions from notifications to games and more. This can make it difficult ot focus on what you’re learning.
  • Too much screen time – With children already using technology at such a young age, where should we draw the line? Virtual learning just adds to a large amount of existing screen time.
    Whether or not you’re a fan of virtual learning, it’s definitely something we’ll all need time to adjust to. It’s certainly not going away anytime soon and we’ve seen how technology use in education has increased tremendously. Do you think virtual education is here to stay?